University of Virginia MySQL Self Service
Logging In
phpMyAdmin requires you to log in with a MySQL account name and password. All of the other options require you to log in with NetBadge (using your UVA computing id and password, or certificate).
Logging Out
Protect your identity and privacy. Completely exit your web browser when you are finished.
When you log in your web browser saves credentials that give you continued access without re-entering your password. If you leave your computer unattended then someone else can use it to access web services using your credentials without entering your user name and password. The phpMyAdmin log out link does not delete your saved MySQL password. You must still exit your browser.
Disk Quotas
The disk usage of a MySQL account is the total disk space occupied by all of its databases. Each MySQL account has a soft disk quota (default 50 Mbytes) and a hard disk quota (default 100 Mbytes). If the disk usage is over the soft quota then a weekly job sends an email notification to the contact address for the account. If the disk usage is over the hard quota then a nightly job suspends the account, which prevents logins. You can use the Un-Suspend MySQL Account option to un-suspend an account and clean up its databases.
You can use the Request Disk Quota Change option to request a larger disk quota.
Getting Started
If you do not have any MySQL accounts or databases on this server, then do the following:
- Create a MySQL account.
- Create a database.
- Create tables in your database with phpMyAdmin, or follow the installation instructions for your web site software package.
To access your databases, the MySQL server host name is Log in with your MySQL account name and password.
Self Service Options
Administer Databases with phpMyAdmin
Log in to phpMyAdmin with a MySQL account name and password. Use phpMyAdmin to administer your existing databases. (See Create Database to create a new database.)
If you logged in to phpMyAdmin earlier in this browser session and you now want to log in using a different MySQL account name and password, then you should completely exit your browser first. Otherwise your browser may automatically log you in to phpMyAdmin using the previous MySQL account name and password.
MySQL Account and Database Status
Displays the status of your MySQL accounts and databases. Shows disk space used, disk quotas, and contact email addresses. Indicates if an account is suspended or if a database has public read enabled.
Create a new MySQL Account. You may create a personal account for yourself or a group account for a MyGroups group. If using MyGroups, then the group name may not exceed 16 characters, and may not match a UVa Computing Id such as mst3k. If you have recently created a new MyGroups group, then wait at least half an hour for the group information to propagate to this server.
Change the password for a MySQL account. Remember to update any web sites that log in to this MySQL account.
Change MySQL Account Email Address
Change the contact email address for a MySQL account. This email address receives notifications regarding the status of the account, such as if the disk quota is exceeded. You cannot change the contact email for a personal account. For a group account you may use either your own personal email address or the email address of the entire group. If a different member of the group should be the contact, then that person must set the email address.
If an account is over its hard disk quota, then a nightly job suspends it, which prevents logins. Use this option to un-suspend the account so that you can log in and clean up its databases.
Dropping (deleting) a database frees the disk space occupied by the database. Dropping or truncating a database table frees the disk space occupied by the table. By itself, deleting rows from a table does not free any disk space. To free disk space occupied by deleted rows, you can optimize the table with phpMyAdmin, or you can run the MySQL command: OPTIMIZE TABLE tablename (where tablename is the name of the table). If you need to increase your disk quota, then use the Request Disk Quota Change option.
Send an email request to change the disk quota for a MySQL account. You may request up to 250 Mbytes at no charge. Beyond that you must lease enterprise-grade disk storage with backup.
You may not delete a MySQL account if it still has any databases. See the Drop Database option to delete the databases.
Create a new MySQL database. The name of the database may not exceed 64 characters and it may contain only letters, digits, or underscores ('_'). (You cannot create databases with phpMyAdmin on this server.)
Drop (delete) a MySQL database. ITC retains backups of databases for two weeks after which time we cannot restore the database. We highly recommend that you use phpMyAdmin to create your own backup copy before dropping the database. (You cannot drop databases with phpMyAdmin on this server.)
Grant read only (select only) access on a database to the publicread MySQL account. No password is required to log in to publicread. Web sites that do not need to modify the database may access the database with the publicread account to protect the MySQL account and password of the database owner.
Revoke all access on a database from the publicread MySQL account.
Administrator Options
The following options are for administrators only.
Change the disk quota for a MySQL account.
MySQL Account and Database Summary
Show a summary of all MySQL accounts and databases.
Inserting data into the database
Input form | Add a new computer | ||
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
"INSERT INTO computers (computerDescription) VALUES ('$computerDescription')"
"Data submitted to database!
Computer Description: $computerDescription
// Close the database connection
//include stylesheet for formatting
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
"INSERT INTO computers (computerDescription) VALUES('$computerDescription')"
"Data submitted to database!
has been added to the Computer List.
// Close the database connection
View the source of computers.php3
View the source of stylesheet.php3
Input form Add a new employee Minimal formatting More formatting
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
"INSERT INTO employees (firstName, lastName) VALUES('$firstName', '$lastName')"
"Data submitted to database!
FirstName: $firstName
LastName: $lastName
// Close the database connection
View the source
//include stylesheet for formatting
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
"INSERT INTO employees (firstName, lastName) VALUES('$firstName', '$lastName')"
"Data submitted to database!
First Name: $firstName
Last Name: $lastName
// Close the database connection
View the source
Input form Add a new
inventory record Minimal formatting More formatting
Add a new record to the inventory:
// script to collect new records to be added to the Inventory table
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
// Select all the fields in all the records of the Employees table
FROM employees
Add a record to the inventory
//include stylesheet for formatting
Add a record to the inventory
// script to collect new records to be added to the Inventory table
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
// Select all the fields in all the records of the Employees table
FROM employees
ORDER BY lastName, firstName"
// Select all the fields in all the records of the Computers table
FROM computers
ORDER BY computerDescription"
body {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; background-color: #FFFFFF}
p, ul {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
td {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
blockquote {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
th {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; background:#000000; color:#FFFFFF}
h1 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14pt}
h2 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12pt}
h3 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
h4 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:9pt;}
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a simple scripting language that can be used to create dynamic Web pages. PHP scripts, which are embedded in HTML, are run on the server side, so in order for them to work, the Web server has to be configured appropriately.
The primary purpose of this document is to let you know that PHP is available on the Web servers,,,, and If you would like to use PHP scripts in your personal Web site, you simply need to save a PHP file in your public_html directory with either of the following filename extensions:
- .php
- .phtml
Special note: The current version of PHP on,,, and is PHP4. Please note that the .php3 filename extension is still valid, but your scripts will actually run using PHP 4.
See our document on PHP4 and Global Variables to learn what changes you may need to make to your php code:
If you save the file with a .phps filename extension, you may view the source code (color-coded) from a Web browser.
ITC offers this service to those who have interest in using PHP, but little or no support is offered.
- If you would like more information on PHP, we recommend you view the following tutorial (which offers links to other tutorials as well):
- For an example of using PHP for processing form input, please see:
- For examples of using PHP with a MySQL database, please see:
- For information about training in PHP and MySQL, please see the Department of Training web site:
Changes to PHP on ITC-maintained web servers
register_globals is a PHP setting that controls availability of variables that have been submitted by a user to a PHP script (such as data posted from a form, URL-encoded data, or data from cookies). In earlier releases of PHP, register_globals was set to "on", which made for easier, but less secure coding.
ITC is currently in the process of upgrading various web servers to PHP 4.2.1, which has register_globals set to "off". While coding in this environment is slightly more cumbersome, there are substantial security benefits. You may read more about this change in the PHP 4.1.0 Release Announcement.
If you have received notice that your web server is being upgraded and you currently maintain a site that contains PHP, you need to choose from the following two options:
- To continue using global variables, you will need to follow the instructions for setting up a .htaccess file.
- If you want to rewrite your code so that it does not rely on global variables (this is strongly encouraged for security reasons), please see the examples section.
If you do not implement one of the above options, your site will likely not work after the upgrade.
If you want to continue using global variables, you will need to create a .htaccess file in your site's main directory (or the main directory of your site that contains PHP scripts). Your .htaccess file should contain the following line:
php_flag register_globals on
We recommend that you create the .htaccess file by logging into your site with SecureCRT, Nifty Telnet, or another telnet application and using a Unix editor (such as pico, jove, vi, or emacs). Windows and Macintosh editors often insert special characters that may corrupt the .htaccess file and make your site unreachable.
Examples of PHP with register_globals set to "off"
The following examples demonstrate how to work with user-submitted data in an environment where register_globals is set to "off". The developers of PHP strongly encourage coding in this way. For more complete documentation, please see the PHP 4.1.0 Release Announcement.
Example of an html form processed by a PHP script
The form below is a plain html form that is processed by a file called register.php3 (in other words, the ACTION of the form is "register.php3"). Each field name in the form is unique and may be referenced as a php variable in register.php3. For example, the html field name for the First Name field is:
This may be referenced in register.php3 as:
register.php3 performs three basic actions:
- Displays text to the browser
- E-mails the conference administrator the information supplied from the form
- E-mails the person who filled out the form a confirmation message
Click here to view the source of register.php3
For more information about availability of php, please see:
Conference Registration:
/* Script to process registration information from home.html */
/* Display text to the browser */
Registration information for $firstname $lastname
Thank you for registering for the conference!
You will receive confirmation of your registration
via e-mail shortly."
/* E-mail the conference administrator the information supplied in form */
"Registration for $firstname $lastname"
"First Name: \t $firstname
Last Name: \t $lastname
E-mail address: \t $email
Dinner selection: \t $dinner
Comments: \t $comments"
"Reply-To: $email"
/* E-mail the person who filled out the form a confirmation message */
"Registration Confirmation"
"Dear $firstname $lastname, \n
We have received your conference registration information
and have noted your meal preference of $dinner. Please
let us know if you have any questions or need further
View the source
Simple Queries
One-table query | List of computers | ||
One-table query | List of employees | ||
Multi-table query | Inventory |
Query based on user input
Pick from a list | Select an employee | ||
Drop down menu | Select an employee | ||
Text search | Enter an employee's name |
Inserting data into the database
Input form | Add a new computer | ||
Input form | Add a new employee | ||
Input form | Add a new
One-table query | List of computers |
// script to display all the Computers in the Computers table
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
// Select all the fields in all the records of the Computers table
FROM computers
ORDER BY computerDescription"
// Determine the number of computers
// print the computer names
"There are $number types of computers:
for (
++) {
// Close the database connection
View the source
There are 349 types of computers:
Barbie Computer |
Dell Dimension |
Dell Inspiron |
Dell Optiplex |
Gateway 800 |
Gateway laptop |
Hot Wheels Computer |
Hp Vectra 500 |
iMac |
Optiplex GX100 |
Palm IIIX |
Sun Ultra 1 |
TravelMate 5000 |
View the source of computers.php3
//include stylesheet for formatting
// script to display all the Computers in the Computers table
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
// Select all the fields in all the records of the Computers table
FROM computers
ORDER BY computerDescription"
// Determine the number of computers
// Print the computer names
There are $number types of computers:
/* print even-numbered rows with a gray background,
odd-numbered rows with a white background */
if (
) {
" ;
} else {
" ";
$computerDescription ;
// Close the database connection
View the source of computers.php3
View the source of stylesheet.php3
View the source of stylesheet.php3
body {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; background-color: #FFFFFF}
p, ul {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
td {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
blockquote {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
th {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; background:#000000; color:#FFFFFF}
h1 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14pt}
h2 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12pt}
h3 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
h4 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:9pt;}
One-table query | List of employees |
There are 227 employees:
Billy Bob
Bugs Bunny
Dubbya Bush
John Doe
Daffy Duck
Elroy Jetson
George Jetson
Bubba JoeBob
Ronald McDonald
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Hokey Pokey
Monty Python
Yosemite Sam
Homer Simpson
Joe User
Darth Vader
// script to display all the Employees in the Employees table
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
// Select all the fields in all the records of the Employees table
FROM employees
ORDER BY lastName, firstName"
// Determine the number of employees
// Print the employee names
"There are $number employees:
for (
++) {
"$firstName $lastName
// Close the database connection
View the source
Multi-table query | Inventory |
There are 24 records in the inventory:
Bunny, Bugs, Hot Wheels Computer, 2001-04-15, woo hoo!
Doe, John, Dell Inspiron, 2000-09-15, for home use
Doe, John, Dell Optiplex, 2000-09-19, for home use
Doe, John, iMac, 2000-10-09, john's first iMac
Doe, John, Gateway laptop, 2000-10-17, for business trip
Doe, John, , 2001-06-12, Comment One
Duck, Daffy, Sun Ultra 1, 2000-03-27, departmental web server
Duck, Daffy, Dell Optiplex, 2000-10-05, daffy's dell
Duck, Daffy, Barbie Computer, 2000-09-19, for upcoming business trip
Jetson, Elroy, Dell Dimension, 2000-04-23, Dell Rocks
JoeBob, Bubba, , 2001-04-15, will arrive shortly
McDonald, Ronald, Dell Optiplex, 1999-10-02, on temporary loan
Mouse, Mickey, iMac, 1999-06-03, the purple one
Mouse, Mickey, Dell Inspiron, 2000-07-12, for home use
Mouse, Mickey, Sun Ultra 1, 2000-05-03, mickey's web server
Mouse, Mickey, Dell Dimension, 2000-10-01, for home use
Mouse, Minnie, Dell Dimension, 1999-12-01, sent for repairs on 12/14
Mouse, Minnie, iMac, 2000-05-13, the teal one
Mouse, Minnie, Sun Ultra 1, 2000-10-12, minnie's web server
Pokey, Hokey, Barbie Computer, 2001-03-09, His last computer fell off a wall
Simpson, Homer, iMac, 2000-10-16, on loan for personal use
Simpson, Homer, Barbie Computer, 2000-10-18, for home use
Vader, Darth, Barbie Computer, 2000-10-18, Darth really likes the color
Vader, Darth, Dell Optiplex, 2001-02-01, Please get this to me fast
// script to display who has which computers
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
// Select the fields from the appropriate tables
"SELECT inventory.inventoryID, inventory.dateAcquired, inventory.comments,
employees.firstName, employees.lastName, computers.computerDescription
FROM inventory, employees, computers
WHERE ((inventory.employeeID = employees.employeeID)
and (inventory.computerID = computers.computerID))
ORDER BY employees.lastName, employees.firstName"
// Determine the number of records returned
// Print the relevant information
"There are $number records in the inventory:
for (
++) {
"$lastName, $firstName, $computerDescription, $dateAcquired, $comments
// Close the database connection
View the source
Inserting data into the database
Input form | Add a new computer | ||
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
"INSERT INTO computers (computerDescription) VALUES ('$computerDescription')"
"Data submitted to database!
Computer Description: $computerDescription
// Close the database connection
//include stylesheet for formatting
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
"INSERT INTO computers (computerDescription) VALUES('$computerDescription')"
"Data submitted to database!
has been added to the Computer List.
// Close the database connection
View the source of computers.php3
View the source of stylesheet.php3
Input form Add a new employee Minimal formatting More formatting
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
"INSERT INTO employees (firstName, lastName) VALUES('$firstName', '$lastName')"
"Data submitted to database!
FirstName: $firstName
LastName: $lastName
// Close the database connection
View the source
//include stylesheet for formatting
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
"INSERT INTO employees (firstName, lastName) VALUES('$firstName', '$lastName')"
"Data submitted to database!
First Name: $firstName
Last Name: $lastName
// Close the database connection
View the source
Input form Add a new
inventory record Minimal formatting More formatting
Add a new record to the inventory:
// script to collect new records to be added to the Inventory table
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
// Select all the fields in all the records of the Employees table
FROM employees
Add a record to the inventory
//include stylesheet for formatting
Add a record to the inventory
// script to collect new records to be added to the Inventory table
// connection information
// make connection to database
) or die(
"Unable to connect to host $hostName"
) or die(
"Unable to select database $dbName"
// Select all the fields in all the records of the Employees table
FROM employees
ORDER BY lastName, firstName"
// Select all the fields in all the records of the Computers table
FROM computers
ORDER BY computerDescription"
body {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; background-color: #FFFFFF}
p, ul {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
td {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
blockquote {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
th {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; background:#000000; color:#FFFFFF}
h1 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14pt}
h2 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12pt}
h3 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
h4 {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:9pt;}
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a simple scripting language that can be used to create dynamic Web pages. PHP scripts, which are embedded in HTML, are run on the server side, so in order for them to work, the Web server has to be configured appropriately.
The primary purpose of this document is to let you know that PHP is available on the Web servers,,,, and If you would like to use PHP scripts in your personal Web site, you simply need to save a PHP file in your public_html directory with either of the following filename extensions:
- .php
- .phtml
Special note: The current version of PHP on,,, and is PHP4. Please note that the .php3 filename extension is still valid, but your scripts will actually run using PHP 4.
See our document on PHP4 and Global Variables to learn what changes you may need to make to your php code:
If you save the file with a .phps filename extension, you may view the source code (color-coded) from a Web browser.
ITC offers this service to those who have interest in using PHP, but little or no support is offered.
- If you would like more information on PHP, we recommend you view the following tutorial (which offers links to other tutorials as well):
- For an example of using PHP for processing form input, please see:
- For examples of using PHP with a MySQL database, please see:
- For information about training in PHP and MySQL, please see the Department of Training web site:
Changes to PHP on ITC-maintained web servers
register_globals is a PHP setting that controls availability of variables that have been submitted by a user to a PHP script (such as data posted from a form, URL-encoded data, or data from cookies). In earlier releases of PHP, register_globals was set to "on", which made for easier, but less secure coding.
ITC is currently in the process of upgrading various web servers to PHP 4.2.1, which has register_globals set to "off". While coding in this environment is slightly more cumbersome, there are substantial security benefits. You may read more about this change in the PHP 4.1.0 Release Announcement.
If you have received notice that your web server is being upgraded and you currently maintain a site that contains PHP, you need to choose from the following two options:
- To continue using global variables, you will need to follow the instructions for setting up a .htaccess file.
- If you want to rewrite your code so that it does not rely on global variables (this is strongly encouraged for security reasons), please see the examples section.
If you do not implement one of the above options, your site will likely not work after the upgrade.
If you want to continue using global variables, you will need to create a .htaccess file in your site's main directory (or the main directory of your site that contains PHP scripts). Your .htaccess file should contain the following line:
php_flag register_globals on
We recommend that you create the .htaccess file by logging into your site with SecureCRT, Nifty Telnet, or another telnet application and using a Unix editor (such as pico, jove, vi, or emacs). Windows and Macintosh editors often insert special characters that may corrupt the .htaccess file and make your site unreachable.
Examples of PHP with register_globals set to "off"
The following examples demonstrate how to work with user-submitted data in an environment where register_globals is set to "off". The developers of PHP strongly encourage coding in this way. For more complete documentation, please see the PHP 4.1.0 Release Announcement.
Example of an html form processed by a PHP script
The form below is a plain html form that is processed by a file called register.php3 (in other words, the ACTION of the form is "register.php3"). Each field name in the form is unique and may be referenced as a php variable in register.php3. For example, the html field name for the First Name field is:
This may be referenced in register.php3 as:
register.php3 performs three basic actions:
- Displays text to the browser
- E-mails the conference administrator the information supplied from the form
- E-mails the person who filled out the form a confirmation message
Click here to view the source of register.php3
For more information about availability of php, please see:
Conference Registration:
/* Script to process registration information from home.html */
/* Display text to the browser */
Registration information for $firstname $lastname
Thank you for registering for the conference!
You will receive confirmation of your registration
via e-mail shortly."
/* E-mail the conference administrator the information supplied in form */
"Registration for $firstname $lastname"
"First Name: \t $firstname
Last Name: \t $lastname
E-mail address: \t $email
Dinner selection: \t $dinner
Comments: \t $comments"
"Reply-To: $email"
/* E-mail the person who filled out the form a confirmation message */
"Registration Confirmation"
"Dear $firstname $lastname, \n
We have received your conference registration information
and have noted your meal preference of $dinner. Please
let us know if you have any questions or need further
View the source
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